If you would like to advertise your next Equestrian event here, please contact the Lochac KEO with your event details.

FOG XII – Fields of Gold

Dates: Friday, 29th November, 2024 to Sunday, 1st December, 2024
Location: Bungendore Showgrounds, 71 Matthews Lane Bungendore, NSW

Come join in a wide range of combat and crafts, pomp and pageantry, feasting and frivolity at Politarchopolis’s premier event. At Fields of Gold there will be many enjoyable activities – armoured combat, rapier combat, target archery, equestrian skill at arms, classes on period arts and sciences, the Crown and the Baronage holding court, good food, and frivolity.

Rowany Festival

Dates: Sunday, 13th April, 2025 to Tuesday, 22nd April, 2025
Location: Camp Wombaroo, 162 Black Spring Rd, High Range NSW

Rowany Festival is the largest event in the Kingdom of Lochac, and is hosted each year by the Barony of Rowany. Rowany Festival has a number of traditional activities that draw people from near and far: war, archery, equestrian activities, arts and sciences classes, bardic circles, guild meetings, dancing, and more!