Greetings Equestrians of the Kingdom,
plague has kept us silenced for too long. It is time to rise like the phoenix and renew our passions. We had a small group at Rowany this year, the first time in many years equestrians have held a presence. For us Rowany was an opportunity to remind people that equestrians are around and active, and very much interested in being more involved. we spent much of the week doing introductions to horse archery, quintain, skill at arms, and sword play, i am happy to report we have some newly authorised riders. I am hoping for a larger presence in 2023.
We were truly fortunate to be invited to ride into war, there is so much support for us in the kingdom, and it is which many thanks to King Leofric now Count., and all the Marshals of Rowany for granting us such an experience.
please check our events page we have new and exciting opportunities coming up to grow our ranks ! With this aim in mind we are also trying to lift our profile so please like our new FB page which goes to instagram, , please feel free to post your medieval and training pictures.
Teneg Yagaan
Kingdom Equestrian Officer